Easter Celebration...

Easter morning came lazily enough, as these girls slept in and then stumbled into the Easter basket moment.

I am enjoying the way that Layla remembers all the small traditions and rituals but the wonder and astonishment holidays still bring Fia and Hope.

There is not much time for laying around as the crew gathers to do a Easter brunch together...but tried to snatch a few family pics before we set off...

Brunch was amaze.

Kids cuddled up close to Cathleen as she read them the Easter Story...

They had Easter Activity Books...

And then we piled into the car and set off to our beautiful Baabda forest to play and have our Easter Egg Hunt.

Some of the Dads hurried ahead to hide eggs and we entertained the littles on the playground...

It's no small trek into the woods, and so lots of cheering each other on to make it there in one piece. 

and then we arrived. Let the Egg Hunting begin...

After all the chocolate and sugar that we so generously let them have, Hope could barely keep her head up...ha ha ha!

So we just took one of the two of us, don't mind the rain boots...we were afraid of sloshing through mud...

Then on to Easter games and activities..

 The egg walk...
 and then a Jimmy Fallon spin off game where the Dads picked an egg and smashed it on their heads...if it was boiled, they were the lucky ones. Even though it was intended for just Dads, Isaac and Elijah stepped up and wanted to attempt the game also. Pictured below are the lucky ones:

These poor fellows were not as lucky:

Layla and Baba having a heart to heart...

the best " Easter in the woods " we could capture...


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