the sisterhood...

living oceans from your own dear families is so difficult sometime. big events, milestone moments...holidays...those are the times you want them around.

you want them to share your joy, your laughter, your excitement with you...but there are also the hard times...when your whole house get sick..or you need help cooking meals...or babysitting...or some one to watch your kids for a date night. things you know that your family would do...without question.

and though we long in those times for some of our immediate family...God has been so crazy generous to give us our spiritual family here... our crew...the sisterhood.

these ladies came out in full force around my birth. watching claire bear, staying up until 2 am to see me after surgery...loving on my baby while i was getting sewn up...making me meals...showing up with platters of cinnamon rolls just cause they know i love them...taking claire to the doctor - a 3 hour affair here- 4 days after sophia was is amazing to sigh, rest and be taken care of by your close friends.

So i know i have said thank you to these women in person...but i just want to honor and celebrate the way that God lovingly provides for me here. in friendship. in help. in busy moms serving you...thanks ladies!!!


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