at my side

While having three has definatley given me a run for my money, i feel like we have hit a stride in recent days.

 i love the age of babes and toddler and preschoolers and how much they orbit around me. there are times where it feels like you can not even catch your breath, and yet other times when their smiles, their words, their hugs and cuddles come at every turn and it waters my tired mama heart.

my cleaning helpers in Zahle

love stumbling upon Hope girl as she plays like her older sisters. 

 Hope's surgery for ear tubes went pretty flawless except that she flailed, screamed, thrashed for 45 minutes coming out of anaesthesia. I felt powerless to calm her and the staff made it real clear that i was not really doing  my job, ha ha. But i also felt the powerlessness give way to feeling so powerful... to hold her flailing, confused, disoriented little body and keep saying words to calm her and reassure her and know that my voice and presence and smell are the only things that will eventually ground her.

being a mom is such a beautiful calling.

 We went to the Hamra Festival where one of Drew's students was going to be performing. It was a sunny day, the festival was packed and it was such a festive, thriving, happening event. The girls watched enamoured as Ghiya sang to the crowd gathered and then came and greeted us and hugged and kissed them.

We pushed through the crowds to the "Kid's section" of the festival for overpriced activities and snacks but the stuff that childhood is made of. Sticky, silly, overpriced but oh the triumph when mom and dad give in and let you buy or play and experience the festival.

( the highlight was trying to spend the extra tickets and finding a pony ride. Layla jumped on the pony and was led through crowds of people. And although it was such a funny scene to have hundreds of people making a way for this little girl on a pony, you felt like a true princess. )


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