when your eyes sparkle...

  in our ebb and flow of weekend rest and serving...i want to be sure to look into those eyes of my darling littles. to make sure i am seeing them. connecting with them.

  when our car is packed up and we are heading on the road and Layla starts talking about how we should ask God that the road would not be closed, and that there would not be bad traffic...i want to look around into her eyes and tell her that.is.a.great.idea.

 when we are stuck in a massive traffic jam..and our girls are sweetly singing to themselves. want to make sure and affirm their patience, how amazing they flow.

 taking in their ages, their discoveries...fia loving to count, loving puzzles, loving her brain to be challenged.

  arriving at our favorite spot and feasting on hummus, mutable, mhamara, and grilled chicken. Layla exclaiming again and again how this is her favorite restaurant ever. her sparkling eyes, her greeting the extremely loving wait staff...our favorite sides and probably her level of hunger is contributing to her praise.

loving some of the breakthroughs we are having in this season of parenting- our heart connection with our girls, seeing thankfulness as an atmosphere and value. seeing resilience and adaptability, being in strange places with strangers and being loving, sharing, caring.

 giving away clothes and toys with a free heart, free from fear of not having enough. God has really given us anything we ever want.

I mentioned that Gigi is coming with gifts- and Layla's first response was to go gather some toys to give away to make room for all the presents we know Gigi will bring.

  When i took a bag of toys into one of my closest Syrian friend home- her kids jumped up and down. they looked through each piece, examining each one with joy. There was one duck puppet we got from an airline that was a favorite. The ten year old giggled, talked, played with this puppet almost the whole time i was there. I loved seeing their eyes sparkle as they received some new toys.

 to receive the kingdom like a child. to examine and delight in each new thing that the day brings. to love that my girls are playing quietly with each other. to receive the heartfelt compliment from Layla- "Mom you are such a good servant" and then " Sofia, you are such a good sister".

 to cuddle in the cold house together under our down comforter, and thankful for sleeping through the night. to wake to cooing and whispers and talks of teddy bears and hand hugs.

to have baby hope look at me with such love and adoration, nothing like  it. she would look and smile at me between each bite she took at our restaurant and it.was.so.dreamy.


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