Arndt Family week

I think I am just going to stream of conscious this one.  because I want to remember the little things.

Mornings in white wood rockers, sipping coffee and chatting with my mom or dad. Holding a baby or a fia running around us.

Big family dinners with lots of people in and out for the prep. Scolding if bites were stolen. Lots of milling, lots of opinions, lots of hubbub. Sitting down and being together. Laughing and storytelling and teasing. Nothing like a family dinner.

 Piling in cars and making new memories. Guthrie greens and hot hot hot. But trying different food trucks and watching American trends as an outsider.

Blueberry picking in the evening. Overwhelming the best blueberries I have ever put in my mouth. We live in a blueberry desert, and we all LOVE them, so this is heaven to us. Boat rides and seeing my girls all lit up with passion and enthusiasm as we do new, exotic things like boat rides on lakes. Or ponds. Singing in the boat together.

Cousin time. Watching the girls play together and remembering actually dreaming about that moment when we were girls. Rebekah taking the lead and watching over our girls, and making “zoo”, nursery, all kinds of fun imaginary games.

Car rides and grocery runs and all the in betweens that I get to just be with my beloved siblings. Questions and more questions, stories.

Lighting candles, pouring wine and listening to each other’s debrief of the year. Moments we felt brave, most life giving friendship…goals heading into this year. Taking it deeper and loving how that takes us so much closer. Sheds light into these crazy beautiful hearts around me.

Laying on the bed and talking to my sister or mom while I breastfeed.

Sophia waking up and cuddling with Kathryn.

Watching papa mike with my girls, he’s still is one of the funniest men alive.

Watching Eric get down and just play with the girls..forever.

Kelly being intentional with connecting, even wanting to hold fussing Hope, what a sweet, doting, loving uncle. Donut date with layla.

Zoo and how crazy hot it got.

Water park and sunshine, Braums and water slides.

Steak dinners, Mexican feasts, incredible cobbler, home made blueberry muffins.

Sibling outing- to lunch and a movie, what a treat. We are now” under 40!” I started screaming when I grouped us as such. Soooo old.

Games, we still got it, folks. still pull out games and it makes for really bonding funny moments. 


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