Family day..

January has brought in the cold blustery weather. Living on the 9th floor has given our family a unique perspective of the thunderstorms pounding down all around us.

one of my favorite moments this week was...a huge thunder cracked and claire cuddled up close to me. i asked her if she was "scared" and she nodded. I told her "don't be scared, momma is here". and about five minutes later i heard her saying over and over again " layla scared. momma here. layla scared momma here. " i thought that was so CUTE!

so i can assure you, that if we have a moment of sun...we head on out. because puzzles, baking, movies, dance parties, coloring and tea parties are so fun...but you just can't beat the great outdoors.

part of our park tradition is sitting on the bench of her choice and eating a little snack. and seeing what fun people we will meet.

you can see her energy just bursting...
and little miss social always wants to make friends...

and of course i had all these ideas of cute pics for sophia...with natural lighting...but drew was just biting his lip and muttering how wierd i was being. so here is all i got...

she had the cutest outfit on...but it was just a little too windy to feel like we could be modeling it.

we had all decided that we should do some shopping...pick our a rocking chair...get some much needed things at our "wal-mart" equivalent. so we loaded up the car and headed to our destinations. almost 3 hours later...claire had not even gotten out of the car. both errands took about 20 minutes...but traffic was crazy and she fell asleep and so mama ran in and bought things. ha! so much for family shopping!

BUT we did get a beautiful rocking chair and i am so so so excited for the moments and memories i am going to have here..


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