2 months old

this is a sophia nour blog. i have been so taken with her. she is the essence of sweet.

she is sleeping through the night. she smiles alot. she loves being held. i think she loves her mamma a lot. she looks around and takes things in...she is just a quiet sweet observer.

she lets Claire be demonstrative with her love...hugs and cooing and kisses and just smiled back at claire with an occasional coo...which makes Claire squeal with delight.

i think she has the cutest face ever. but i felt that way about claire bear. but oh how precious it is to have a little babe that you can adore and kiss and cuddle and shower with love.

i am so blessed.

and let me just say that i love, and i mean love..rocking this little one to sleep. it is our time. just sophia and her mamma gently singing and rocking my sweet bundle to sleep. priceless.
i love her face in this one..


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