going with the flow....

Because of our semester of school...routine, of knowing my what my days and weeks are generally going to look like... something snaps in me and i get the itch for an "adventure" something fierce. nothing can satiate it. only a trip, a new place, a day away from our home. the feeling of the wind is at our backs and we are going to make a memory or die trying. =(

Sometimes drew acts surprised at my suggestions. like, really mare? but, he knew what he was getting into.

Upon hearing about a free swim day, here in Amman, my heart was elated. Swimming does not come easy in these parts, and you usually have to pay a pretty penny. but the YMCA was opening its doors for anyone who wanted for the day. Guess who was determined to be there, cute babe in tow, ready for Claire's first swim in a real pool?

I rounded any troops that were interested, drug drew along, and Yessica and Matta joined us willingly. We got out baby girls all ready for a day at the pool and flagged down a taxi.

Now here is something that we have to realize. When we forget, we will be reminded ever so gently. Things don't always go as planned here in the Middle East. When Momma-Mare wants an adventure for her baby, it could take more effort than originally expected. This experience proved no different. Our taxi driver agreed with us that he knew where he was going, but after 1 hour of winding this way and that, and asking over 10 different sources ( other taxi drivers, kids walking on the road, store owners, employees) we finally found our pool. we were ready.

free=hundreds of people=no seats=lots of noise=employees guarding the gates so that the young neighborhood boy don't sneak in without their families.

i just took in the smells and sights. i loved the hustle and bustle and splashing and kids running everywhere without a parent in sight. and adults relaxing in the shade by their tables and...talking. none of this "reading a book" or laying out. this is a social, vibrant people that are all about connections, and when they get together they talk, laugh, exchange stories and play with their kids.

Layla, because she was so Arab today, got oohed and aahed over. One women ran up and begged for just "one kiss". and then held Layla and took a picture of her. She smiled and won people over.
but best of all, the water was freezing, but i practised our "water baby" techniques, and she went under 3-4 times without a tear. she would just snuggle real close to me and let the sun warm her. there is something about a dripping-wet ball-of-chub-that-smells-like-sunscreen and has sparkling eyes that just makes the world stop.

after awhile the dads took over and watched the babes while Yessica and i got to just swim and then soak in some rays. it was just what two mommas needed. connect time while getting a tan. we are are ready for Lebanon- bring on the beaches!

A special shout-out to mom for being committed to water babies and imparting such a love in my heart for water!


  1. i love the way you tell stories... and the only thing not perfect about this is that i wasn't there to be sucked into one of your grande "ideas" :)

  2. I can't wait til C.B. has sibs...then there will really be an adventure...!


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