long summer days...

The Summers here in Lebanon have such a long, winding, slow feel to them. Compared to the school year that is so rigid, so early, so full of homework, activity, balancing connection and obligation.

 We landed in Lebanon the last day of August and were welcomed with a clean house, blueberry muffins and the girl's toys they had not seen in 2 1/2 months. Hope was bursting with joy- gasping and exclaiming over each stuffed animal or baby doll she uncovered. I had forgotten what it feels like for a three year old to come home after being gone for so long and I could not wipe the smile from my face as I was unpacking suitcases with post- plane pent up energy that I had. To find wonder in re-uniting with your beloved toys. To run back and forth and be filled with joy to see your bed, your bathroom, your table and chairs. The gratefulness was over -the-top adorable.

  England in it's cool air and lush green allowed us time to decompress emotionally and really re-energize for our coming year,  both drew and I. But coming home feels like a soft landing of  being with friends as close as family, relationships we have missed and even getting to celebrate Eid with our Syrian families.

  It is so sweet to get such long days and nights just being together us 5, after 2 1/2 months on the road. I feel like I am re-calibrating to savoring. Savoring my darlings in who they are right now.

 Layla with her budding desire to look pretty- bracelets, lip gloss, headbands and cute shoes and purses. Her love for singing, although it is always when she is alone, and her bright mind who loves reading all.the.time. One of my favorite things about her right now is her drive to be helpful, be a babysitter and always creating the plot of the creative thing the girls are playing.

 Playful, teasing, full of love Fia. As she learns how to use humor, how to tease and make jokes there are lots of funny mis-uses which i never want to have change. Always coloring, drawing, and wanting to push herself in Arabic.

 Singing, dancing, jumping Hope. How she does all three of those things on my bed most of the time and really belts things out when no one is particularly paying attention. How when she tries to be cute or funny she has to draw attention to it. How she is always thinking of her sisters. always. The Cuddling has been cut down almost 75% since the spring, but when she drops and need to come in for a snuggle, it's so good.

 We escaped to the beach as a fam, and it was so absolutely, 100%, delightful.  The reality is that the girls ages make the beach feel completely different and it is becoming something way less exhausting and just  pure fun together. We spent hours being lulled by small waves and building and playing in the sand.

      savoring these days....


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