May Mothering thoughts...

 Fresh wind breathes on my mother heart, calling me to make sure I am breathing them in. That I am taking in their opinions, favorite things, sayings, funny quirks, what they are thinking about, what they are pushing to accomplish.

Layla drifts around the house these days in day dreams. I find her in the oddest places ( toilet, my bed, the reading nook, looking into the mirror, talking in the mirror) all "caught in day dreams". When I am urging her go get ready for school, or get ready for bed, or help do anything she gets distracted in her thoughts. She tells me that she has so many dreams in her head that she needs more time to think them all through. I love it. I plead with her one lazy Saturday afternoon to come cuddle in bed with me and tell me her day dreams of late. It is so fun how she can't lay down she sits up and talks about castles and princes, and volcanoes, and space and are ghosts real and I can't even follow all the quick transition in her thoughts.

 She is also quick to talk about her love for science, pouring over this one Planet Discovery book I got for her, giving her all kinds of ideas about Earth, Science, basic Physics.

 And always, always she is relational to the core. Talking about her friends, about the relational dynamics of recess, classroom, kids being harsh or mean to one another, defending and trying to protect children who are having a hard time. She talks all the time, when she is not day dreaming she is flitting around the house after Drew and I and just chatting and chatting.

Sophia has the budding feature of an achiever. She loves to work hard at something and accomplish things. She loves to know the schedule and really loves routine. ( poor girl, in this family and this country! ) Arabic has captured that place in her heart and she comes home and does homework first thing. She loves reading arabic, practicing dictation in Arabic pushing herself in this complicated language. Ballet here is for focused, detailed little girls, and Layla hated it...but Sophia she loves the skills she is learning and is so good at mastering them. Learning how to ride a bike, going on a hike, playing futball with all boys, she likes to push herself in ways that are foreign to the other girls.

 In all the push, the achieving there is this heart of gold. A heart that wants to love me in words, actions, touch- always trying to scratch my back at the oddest moments. I am in a conflict with Layla or Hope is in a tantrum and Sophia is reaching down the neck of my shirt and trying to scratch my back. I have to kindly say- not right now sweetheart. She feels things so deeply, when something is hard or someone is hurting she enters in. We held each other and wept as we said goodbye to our Zahle house, we both don't love change.


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