mahabit allah ( the love of God)

so i realized that i sort of needed a kick-in-the-pants.

we got hit this week with a heat wave that is leaving the people here in jordan saying that they can not remember a summer this hot. i know, i know, most of the people reading this are in the same position. it has been a record-breaking summer for the whole world.

but after a few days with it over 100 degrees F here, with the nights not cooling down that much..i started to get whiny. claire was hot, fussy and i just joined in the atmosphere, not consciously of course...but i joined.

and then i read a blog from my modern-day-anne, and was struck out how she takes in every moment with her littles, and i realized that i was letting myself be hot and miserable. not thriving.

and that is just not ok.

Sooooo with some music up in this place, the house thoroughly cleaned, our windows open wide at night for any breeze that can waft by...i took in my life.

how much i love this little "lion cub" stage that claire is in. she is effictively getting anywhere she wants in the house, following me around. i love looking back over my shoulders whenever i am walking and seeing my little follower.

when we play on our bed with her, she is loving if we get on all fours and growl at her! ( thank you Rem, for that discovery). Drew loves to rough her up...and she just keep crawling at you wanting more.

that taking up all our carpets really did turn our house into a summer palace and drew can not stop commenting " i really love the feel of our house right now"

that we have sweet Isaac johnson next door that i get to hold whenever i want. and Mel and Ryan are doing....incredible. so easy, so laid back. love it.

that God inspired the creative genious of man to make fans. what would our life be like with out fans????

(claire and drew without a fan, waiting at a port in Egypt. miserable. for reals)

that our team is so amazing. that after 19 months with some and 12 with others, that i love them more, feel more bonded, feel so honored that these are the people that we get to do life with. that we are still playing maufia...and salad bowl. even with 4 babies!

that last night Val and i went out and met 2 palestinians and got to share about how the Love of God has changed us. in arabic. we rocked it. so fulfilling and amazing to be having those type of conversations these days...

ha! but only after i answered a neighbors friendly question in arabic " why have you not visited us?" with " i am in egypt. " not " i was in egypt". such a simple and funny mistake.

good for me to reflect on the Love of it washes over us...o HoW He LoVes Us


  1. Wow Mare that was like taking a drink of ice cold water. I said to myself "thats the Mare I know" turning miserable into an adventure. You pulled me right along with you. Life is too beautiful to be a cranky pants. I love you big time and can not get enough of your thoughts.

  2. i know, kat. it is so funny how easy it is to be cranky sometimes, you just have to think through what attitude you are you more.


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