an Ode to Lebanon...
I am getting used to this whole "blog" thing and i personally feel like i take tons of pictures, but alas there are so many moments that are not captured. sigh. but nonetheless i had a few random things that were left unsaid...but needed to be articulated....
like thank you Lebanon for breathing into my soul the beauty of creation. this trip i was able to see different places that i have never seen before...jibayl...saida...the cedars...vineyards...and i would get this sort of giddy feeling in my stomach anticipating this being our home...only months away...
And realizing that family days are going to be pretty stellar. Beach? Mountains? Skiing? Ancient Cedars? and i am sure there is more...
living out of a suitcase for 3 weeks is quite an adventure now with a baby! Thank you Val for bringing this Tub...Claire LOVED bath time in it. I could hardly get her out...this deserves a shout-out to all super-planners who bless the people all around them. =)
One of my highlights, if you haven't noticed, was getting to watch, learn, ask, and be around Sarah Hartsock. She brought her 3 kids under 5 to Lebanon and did it with a grace and ease that made it look fun. ha! She shared with us moms one morning of things she has learned and is implementing and it was so perfect for us to hear.
and of course moments like...treasure hunting inside of Starbucks because Rivers and Claire had just had enough of the heat.
Here is a hilarious face claire is making...playing on the floor of Starbucks...the Egyptian Palace of Starbucks...
and lastly, how amazing it was to have Uncle Kelly around. He brings such life and power. He is so tender and bold. It was so priceless to have him here using his crazy gifting to give words to people right and left, and getting to see drew, claire and i's world. Claire took to him right away and she was sort of in a funk all day the day he was gone...and drew and i were saying...she is just missing kelly!!!
Lebanon...i love your food and your smiles. i love that i can't walk 3 feet without someone stopping me and smiling and talking to Claire Layla. I love that everyone you meet says "welcome to lebanon". I love that we got invited countless times to meals at people's houses that we just met. I love how if you look lost, someone will stop you and help you. i love watching the girls dance. i love that you have parks that my future kids can play in! I love that you have bliss house ice cream and everyone gets it in the summer...
here's to a fantastic 3 weeks!
Love this, Mare... I am all alone smiling a huge smile as I unconsciously copy Claire.